The graphing calculator Truly TG-205 (with instruction...
The Truly TG-205 is a fully fledged graphing calculator for about EUR 5.00 .
HP48 - handbooks & guide books
Find here the handbooks for the best calculator ever made - the HP48.
Welche verschiedenen Möglichkeiten habe ich in Illustrator,...
Zeichnen und Ausmalen in Illustrator
HP48 - Quick Reference & Cheat Sheet
The HP48 ist still in use today by a lot of professionals. The HP48 is arguably...
Recommended Tutorials for Adobe Illustrator 2020
Find the best tutorial and other tips to get you started with Adobe Illustrrator....
sed - Stream Editor
Der berühmt, berüchtige sed-Befehl in Linux. Meiner Meinung nach zu Unrecht verflucht,...
Strategisches Management
Das strategische Management als Wissensgebiet wird weiterhin unterschätzt hinsichtlich...
Varient CMS
Varient CMS is a small CMS solution that is just becoming popular since 2019. Its...
Example pages made with Boostrap
It is always good to see what others have done with Bootstrap and get some inspiration...
Overview over the most efficient Bootstrap 4 Classes
What they do. And where they are used. In combination with what...
Schrift & Schriften für ein Webprojekt
Schriften und eine gute persönliche Schriftensammlung machen die Arveit für Webdesign...
Overview and comparison over the different Javascript libraries...
In websites and web applications it comes in handy o use the latest Javacript libraries....