Jonathan Davies 0 1436
Jonathan Davies 0 1308
Jonathan Davies 0 1553
Jonathan Davies 0 1508
Jonathan Davies 1 2426
Jonathan Davies 0 1718
Jonathan Davies 0 2387
Jonathan Davies 0 1401
Jonathan Davies 0 1276
Jonathan Davies 0 1277
Jonathan Davies 0 1296
Jonathan Davies 0 1692
Jonathan Davies 0 1549
Jonathan Davies 0 1877
Jonathan Davies 0 1403
Jonathan Davies 0 2
Jonathan Davies 0 1233
Jonathan Davies 0 1286
Jonathan Davies 0 1226
Jonathan Davies 0 2042
Jonathan Davies 0 1181
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Last seen: 4 years ago
After having accumulated thousands of valuable notes in private over the years, I decided to share them on this webpage and make them public for the benefit and improved work efficiency of others. Good luck.
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Jonathan Davies 0 1176